By His Wounds!


Haunting The Ceo

A leadership book written in a suspense-filled, entertaining story format. It tells the story of a CIO, Brian Kagey, who has struggled to be a good leader…and is about to fail again. He is introduced to a mentor who guides him through a journey of self-discovery, learning what it means to be a true leader. Readers are quickly pulled into the characters and storyline, feeling Brian’s struggle while also gaining new leadership insights along the way.

Let Go The Reins

Let Go the Reins is a gritty, moving, yet beautiful and redemptive western set in the Old West town of Palisade, Nevada, and stretching into Arizona, California, and Wyoming. Synopsis: The sheriff of Elko County stands in the Lind family home on the outskirts of town on a hot, dry Sunday morning in July, 1878. He’s staring at Meg Lind, dead on the kitchen floor, a single bullet ripped through her chest. Earlier, her brute-of-a-husband, Daniel, was found standing over her body with revolver in hand…Read More


Unselling answers the question about how I developed business without selling. As a highly-introverted individual, and one who didn’t want to sell, I still needed a way to develop business. Through trial and error, and God’s faith and guidance, I found it. Hint: for me, the key to indie business success is in our faith, God’s promises, and who God created each of us to be. Unselling is motivational, insightful and fun. It’s a guide filled with strategies for greater success—strategies that will save you time, money, and frustration…Read More


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