By His Wounds!


Racism – Not Our Battle To Fight

I’m not a prophet. Nor a pastor, nor a preacher; and I’ve never attended seminary or bible college.
I’m nothing special, just an everyday guy who loves God, loves His Son, His Word, and His Spirit with all of my heart. And have for 40 years.
Acts 2:17 tells us:
In the last days, God says, “I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.”
God tells us that in these last days, which I believe we are in, He will pour out His Spirit on all people.
I told you that I wasn’t special. I’m no more of a prophet than you in these days.
The prophetic dreams I describe below are just a few of the many I’ve experienced this month (January 2021). However, these are the dreams that I am to “speak in the daylight; and proclaim from the roofs.” (Matthew 10:27)
While I call them dreams for the sake of simplicity, they’re really “visions” versus dreams. I certainly have “normal” dreams as well, but those originate in my own mind, not the mind of God. And I have had many other “spiritual” dreams the last few years, but nothing that felt prophetic.
These are the first prophetic dreams I’ve ever experienced.
They all occurred during the days of January 14-20, 2021. (Joe Biden was sworn in as president, earlier the day of January 20.)
Dream 1
The word “lamenta” came to me in a vision all by itself. I didn’t hear the word, just saw it. I woke up and wrote it down.
Interpretation of Dream 1
I had no idea what lamenta meant, or even if it was a legit word. So I looked it up and learned that it was Latin. I have never studied Latin, and the extent of my Latin vocabulary is “carpe diem.”
Lamenta is Latin for crying out, grief, sorrow, regret, and is the root of the word Lamentations, the 25th book of the Old Testament.
There is a crying out by God’s people to Him


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story with me? Great! Share whatever is on your mind in the

nearby form. I will respond within a couple days.

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